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Seller's Guide

How to use the Lake Local Market to advertise and sell your products.

My Profile

My Account Where you add your shop profile, images and see how it looks on the website front end (what customers see).

Payment Details Add your bank account information in order to be paid by Lake Local, payments are made weekly.

Buyer Feedback Read customer feedback from purchases they have made of your products.

Membership Plan Change plans or deactivate membership from here.

My Products

Products Enter your products here with images, description, inventory etc. See video below for a detailed description.

Customer Questions Answer questions left by potential customers on your product pages after being notified by email.

My Orders

Orders  If your products are sold through the Lake Local website (Normal Products) then this is where you can find details about your orders; customer name, fulfillment status etc. You can also bulk print invoices.

Payments Here you are able to view total earned, total paid and total due to you.

Ask a Question Customer's questions are answered through here.


The market works on a commission basis of 10% for products sold through the website, this includes a 2.9% + 30c per transaction fee that is charged by Shopify (the website host) per transaction. Directory listing products are completely free as they are sold through your own website. Store vendors are paid bi weekly as it may take up to 4 days for Shopify to process the transactions. 


Products sold through Lake Local are to be delivered the next day. Sellers have the options of;

1. Keeping stock with Lake Local

2. Dropping sold items off the following morning

3. Have us pick up your products  (paid service of $5 per order with unlimited items per order)